sexta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2018

Be ready


You are ready

Are you ready to leave the depths of this lake?

I can feel the air that has long breathed in my nostrils and burn my lungs alive.

I can see the gears of my bones and icy joints make me shudder through the burning of my veins.

Eyes seen had I never seen the blade of water to wrap.

For my eyes they are ready to see what I have always seen, in no protection.

I can see you.

I can say: Enough! You're no big deal.

See, watch the blood run through my tracks.

The wind passes through my skin in electric waves in combustion.

I, the life, we are one.

Look into my eyes, I'm not afraid anymore.

I have been reborn and my flesh crees for life.

You will not stop me.

I've been underwater for a long time

Your arms will not push me back into the water, for I am fire.

I can feel everything connected.

I fell asleep too long, and decided to wake up from my own ashes.

Be ready.

ps. Desculpa a tradução tosca, mas queria deixar no inglês mesmo sem saber.

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